Redwood Elementary PTA Store

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Store Items
Boys and Bowling 2025
Redwood Boys, bring your mom, stepmom, grandma, aunt, sister, or any other special lady! Sunday, March 23rd from 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
One Person Family Membership 2024 - 2025
Thank you for joining the Redwood PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! Each year the PTA helps fund projects, programs, events, assemblies, and more! We have many ways you can help throughout the year if you'd like to. You can contribute a food donation for teachers, complete a task at home, decorate, or come in to volunteer.
Two Person Family Membership 2024 - 2025
Thank you for joining the Redwood PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! Each year the PTA helps fund projects, programs, events, assemblies, and more! We have many ways you can help throughout the year if you'd like to. You can contribute a food donation for teachers, complete a task at home, decorate, or come in to volunteer.
Faculty/Staff 2024-2025
Thank you for joining the Redwood PTA!
AL Redwood Wristband
Buy a bracelet to wear on Spirit Days!
Redwood PTA Donation
Donate to the Redwood PTA Donation fund to provide resources for staff appreciation, student recognition, and enrichment materials for the classrooms! We understand schedules are busy and finding free time to volunteer is hard. This is simply another way to contribute!